Rethink – Does COP matter to Agriculture?
January 2023
When asked for a farmers view of COP for the Radio 4 rethink episode (link here), I found myself thinking “buzz words and policy wonks”, and really struggled to find specific concrete examples of how and where it has made a difference. The sceptic in me leapt straight to thinking it is a platform for voices to send messages about their ideals, virtue signal and maybe even a hook to hang the promo of their latest book or paper on. Read

Women Growing Grain
December 2022
A long form conversation recorded for the BBC World Service in July 2022 during the peak of the drought in what has turned out to be the warmest year on record. It is remarkable how similar the pressures are on farmers the world over – the climate, the people, the politics and the paradigm all making generational impacts. Read

The Bottom Line – The Price of Bread
December 2022
Click below to listen to “The ‘crust’ of living: Evan Davis looks at the spiralling costs of baking a loaf of bread. On top of rising energy bills the industry is having to keep up with huge increases in the price of wheat. In this episode a farmer, a miller and a baker explain how they’re trying to make ends meet. Guests: Sarah Bell, Wheat Farmer and Consultant. Julius Deane, Wheat Director at Carrs Flour Mills Ltd Mike Roberts, Deputy Chairman of Roberts Bakery Producer: Nick Holland Sound: Rod Farquhar Production Coordinators: Sophie Hill and Siobhan Reed” Read